Oftentimes when people are dealing with insomnia (assuming there are no underlying medical concerns) anxiety or depression may be at play. When racing thoughts, early waking, and difficulty falling asleep are all attacking at once, it may be worth it to assess if any anxious or depressive thoughts are looming.

Engaging in sleep hygiene practices can help reset the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Some strategies to break the insomnia loop include mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), and relaxation techniques. There are too many benefits to deep sleep to ignore warning signs, such as the insomnia loop.

Sleep as Self-Care: Prioritizing Rest in a Busy World

The modern world has many ideas about how to get better quality sleep… apps, gadgets, lamps, podcasts, just to name a few. But the real question is how to prioritize rest. How do we make space for rest in a world that constantly wants us to be productive?

Reframing Sleep as a Self-Care Practice

Have you ever heard of a cognitive reframe? A cognitive reframe is a strategy to encourage alternative thoughts, rather than the automatic thoughts we have about a given subject. Our capitalistic culture tends to encourage “hustling” versus resting and that if we are really living life right, we should be engaged in productivity to the fullest extent humanly possible. So, how might we reframe this thought?

Automatic Thought: I should constantly be on the grind, otherwise I am not being productive enough.

Alternative Thought: My self-worth and identity have factors other than my level of productivity. It is healthy and balanced to make time for rest.

One strategy for immersing yourself in sleep as a self-care practice is setting sleep boundaries. Similar to how we might set boundaries for relationships or work, setting sleep boundaries allows us to make space for getting good quality rest. Here are some ideas for setting sleep boundaries:

  • Having an end time to checking work emails or working on projects
  • Limiting the consumption of social media, or at least certain types of social media, prior to bedtime (Ex. Not engaging in social comparison on Instagram prior to sleep)
  • Setting limits for over-stimulation before bed, such as recognizing which apps or daily tasks get your mind going

The best thing you can do regarding self-care and sleep is releasing yourself from the guilt associated with prioritizing rest in a busy world. Try compassionate, but simple mantras like, “I deserve to prioritize rest” or “I am my best self when fully rested.” Read on for practical strategies to help you with how to create a sleep friendly environment.

Building a Sleep-Friendly Routine for Better Mental Health

The best nighttime routine for mental health involves calming activities like reading, journaling, or meditation. Go easy and simple when adding or experimenting with different nighttime routines, as change in itself is a transition for your mind and body. For example, research has long indicated the negative effects of too much blue light prior to bedtime as this messes with your body’s natural ability to produce melatonin. A simple switch might be to stop any screen time thirty minutes before bed.

Building a sleep-friendly routine actually starts early in the day with focusing on prioritizing your health overall, such as engaging in mindful movement and nutrition. Think of creating the best nighttime routine as a cycle that starts when you wake up and ends when you fall asleep again. Here are some questions to get you curious:

  • Do I enjoy reading and is there a type of book I might find soothing prior to bed?
  • Do I like journaling and find this soothing enough to try either unguided or guided journaling for better sleep?
  • Could I try a quick five-minute meditation or body scan prior to laying down to rest?
  • Are there any foods that upset my stomach or are harder to digest which I could limit a few hours before bedtime?
  • What types of movement do I engage in during the day which help me feel comfortably tired for sleep?