Dr. Pearl Wong Abood • LMFT • LMFT-S
My journey to becoming a counselor started over 20 years ago. Originally from Hong Kong, my family migrated to the east coast to begin living the American dream. Growing up, I learned a great deal about living as a minority in a small southern community which provided a breeding ground of understanding how our differences can join and unite people. It was with this early formation in mind that I became a professor and concurrently started a private practice passionately focused on helping people connect in their relationships. I strongly believe people bring their own skills and can build skills to truly and deeply connect with one another in meaningful ways.
I trained as a marriage and family therapist in South Carolina and gained a doctorate in Louisiana. In 2009, I moved home to Charlotte to teach in the newly accredited graduate program in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) at Pfeiffer University. As an Associate Professor, I taught courses for over a decade (i.e., family therapy theories, assessment and treatment, crisis intervention, research methods, career development, and therapeutic alliance). Even though I am retired from academia, training the next generation in relational counseling is still a passion of mine. I am an Approved Supervisor who offers clinicians working with individuals, couples, and families. I also offer supervision and consultation to those seeking a BIPOC and culturally responsive supervision lens.
My private practice began as a result of learning many lessons from my childhood that I carried into adulthood and still carry today. A saying that resonates in my systemic work is: “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower” (Alexander Den Heijer). My belief is we are all born to be our own unique flower. True connection and bonding develops when we understand our own purpose.
As the founder of the practice, my approach focuses on relationships and building each partner and family member to be the best versions of themselves. Our passion is creating a safe place for all people to truly connect. We work with couples and individuals who are in life transitions (i.e., relationship issues, infidelity, addiction, grief and/or trauma) and those who may need a safe and healing place to nurture their own growth. We are an affirming group who works with LGBTQIA+. Overall, our culturally trained inclusive clinicians have a diverse range of skills and will create a place that provides practical and unique solution-focused strategies for couples, individuals, and families.
*The South Carolina Professional Counselors Board has granted me approval as a Professional Counselor Telehealth Provider. My credential number is (Credential # 437).
SC Telehealth Provider webpage: https://llr.sc.gov/TeleHealth/Counselor.html
Individual and Couples Counseling = 50-60 mins = $200
Family Counseling = 75 mins = $225
Gottman Relationship Assessment = $150
Lotus Place is out-of-network. While we do not accept insurance, we can provide a detailed invoice that you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.
If you are a clinician, please email for a professional rate.

Contact Dr. Pearl Wong Abood
phone: 980-218-0339
email: pearl@lotuscounselinggroup.com
You can contact Dr. Pearl Wong Abood directly by completing the contact form below.
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